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Ministra Pro

Launch your cross-platform IPTV/OTT service

The platform helps you provide your subscribers with modern service, easily manage data, content, infrastructure, and tariff packages, and customize the UI.

ministra pro
  • Flexible business model

    We offer flexible solutions so that you can select the most suitable business model.
  • Classic UI

    Now available on Samsung and LG.
  • Shared apps

    By sharing the same app with other operators you get faster bug fixing and features deployment. This is also our way of being eco-friendly.
  • Migration engine

    Easy migration from Ministra.

Classic UI on all platforms

No need to get accustomed to a new design: Ministra PRO has the same classic, user-friendly UI. User apps are available on all popular mobile and TV platforms.

  • Set-top boxes by Infomir

  • Android TV devices

  • Android mobile devices and tablets

  • Apple iOS mobile devices and tablets

  • Samsung Tizen TVs

  • LG WebOS TVs

Ministra PRO is the best helper
for professional operators
by Infomir Recommended for professional operators.

Intuitive administration software enables OTT and IPTV operators
to manage households/devices/content/tariffs.
The platform is set up locally.

  • Classic UI

    Linux like experience on all platforms.
  • Household management

    An easy way to manage all devices under the same roof.
  • New mobile UI

    Fully redesigned apps to provide a native mobile experience.
  • Easy migration

    For those who are already using Ministra TV we ensure an automated migration to Ministra PRO.
  • A new technical architecture

    Comes with a new technical architecture which significantly improves the overall performance.

Two models
of cooperation

We offer flexible solutions so that you can select the most suitable business model. In both cases, Infomir STBs are pre-integrated and do not require any FEE.

Most popular Professional Paid subscription by operator
€ 500 starting price for 1000 devices a month
from 500 to 5k devices per month
  • Professional support
  • Improvements and updates
  • Apps on 5+ platforms

Premium Paid subscription by operator
€ 2000 price per month
up to 10k devices
  • Professional support
  • Improvements and updates
  • Apps on 5+ platforms
  • Customized Apps on all platforms

Who can use this solution?

Ministra PRO platform provides the necessary tools and options for operators of different levels

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators

    Cable and satellite TV operators

    Middleware helps provide a wider range of services for IPTV subscribers.

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators

    Internet providers

    Boosting income by using the existing infrastructure to start your own IPTV service.

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators

    Content owners, broadcasters, and distributors

    The solution helps simplify content delivery and broadcast it directly to subscribers without intermediaries.

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators

    Hotels, hospitals, campuses, and apartment buildings

    With Ministra PRO, you can organize an internal TV network and broadcast surveillance feeds.

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators

    Niche projects

    National and local communities can use the platform to start internal TV broadcasting.

Our advantages in managing OTT and IPTV projects


Get data on the key performance indicators of your IPTV service in a single report.

Interactive TV features

Let your subscribers make the most of the IPTV features that ensure comfortable, healthy, and safe viewing.

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators


    Subscribers don’t need to switch between channels to find out what is on, they can see all programs in one place.

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators


    Turns your TV into a media player by enabling users to pause or rewind the broadcast.

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators

    Linear TV

    Give subscribers access to scheduled programs broadcast by local and national TV companies.

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators

    Playback resumption and playlist

    Your clients can resume videos from the last played moment after turning off the set-top box or closing the app.

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators

    Catch up

    With this feature, your subscribers will never miss their favorite shows. For example, if they’re at work when the show is on, they can rewind and watch it after they get back home.

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators


    Video on demand enables users to choose content according to their preferences from the operator’s library or search for movies by title, genre, or their favorite actor.

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators


    Your subscribers can listen to Internet radio on mobile devices, tablets, and home TVs.

  • Cable-and-satellite-TV-operators

    Audio tracks and captions in different languages

    Subscribers can select between different audio tracks and turn on captions. It’s especially helpful for people who are learning foreign languages.

Ministra product comparison