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Empowering for Integrators with Advanced IPTV/OTT Solutions

The reliable performance of our equipment and software has facilitated technical solutions for a diverse range of environments in over 100 countries worldwide, including hospitals, hotels, schools, retirement homes, liners, gated communities, and various religious and ethnic groups.

Discover how our solutions can enhance your service offerings and meet the unique needs of your projects with efficiency and reliability.

Discuss the project

Item advantages

Streamlined IPTV/OTT Solutions for Seamless Integration

Infomir supports integrators with a complete IPTV/OTT solution that includes the Ministra TV platform, MAG IPTV set-top boxes, and multiscreen applications, backed by full technical support.

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Item advantages

Set-top box customization: Software, packages, cases, and remotes

Infomir provides operators with the opportunity to place their brand marks on MAG set-top boxes, packages, and remotes, as well as brand their software. Customized devices and software increase brand recognition and user confidence in the service, in addition to distinguishing the project from other operators.

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Item advantages

Modern Linux set-top boxes based on RDK platform

Customer devices based on the RDK-V platform provide an opportunity to use additional functionality. For example, with the set-top boxes it's possible to create a unique UI/UX, integrate applications, and CAS/DRM. Operators get RDK consoles in a set with development tools.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions of our customers.

  • Who are MAG STBs suitable for?

    MAG STBs are suitable for hotels, hostels, hospitals, cruise liners, and other establishments that need to provide high-quality and convenient television access for guests or patients.

    They offer a wide selection of channels, excellent picture and sound quality, and ease of use. These advantages make MAG STBs the ideal solution for any place where creating a comfortable and modern media environment is essential.

  • Do I get the content together with the solution?

    No, we only provide assistance with infrastructure and technical support. Infomir does not distribute, broadcast, or provide TV or video content in any way.

    Optionally, we can integrate into MAG devices the Fast Channels service — a platform with more than 100 TV channels and VoD service with free and legal content.

  • Which set-top boxes can I choose for my project?

    Infomir provides Linux and RDK-V based MAG set-top boxes. These powerful devices support 4K, HEVC technology, six and eight channel Dolby Digital, and Dolby Digital Plus™ audio.

  • What experience does Infomir have in launching IPTV/OTT projects?

    Infomir has been launching IPTV/OTT solutions since 2005. More than 4500 projects in 151 countries are successfully running on our set-top boxes and software.

  • Do you integrate middleware, DRM and CAS?

    Yes, we integrate MAG set-top boxes with third-party middleware, DRM and CAS on request. Please contact the sales team to learn more about this.

  • What devices does Ministra PRO support?

    The platform is available for Samsung Smart TVs, Tizen TVs, and LG webOS. The software can also be downloaded to iOS mobile devices.

  • Who can I contact with a technical question?

    Infomir managers can answer any questions you may have, including technical ones. Ask through the feedback form.