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IBC 2016: new worldwide technologies in Amsterdam!

Published on 18/08/2016

Exhibition-conference IBC 2016, the annual event that every IPTV market member is waiting for, is about to start in less than a month from 9th of September. Infomir team is finishing its last preparations before going to Amsterdam to rejoin this globally important event. This year IBC will host even more exhibitors and visitors and you will be able to get in touch with the newest technologies in content creation, distribution and management.

Infomir will showcase its set-top box models that already became popular. We are also going to present our new IPTV set-top box – MAG325 built on the basis of latest Broadcom family of chipsets. It combines 1080p60 HEVC 10-bit support, OpenGL-ES2.0 and in-built Wi-Fi.

We want to make your visit to IBC 2016 not only useful for your business but also bright and memorable. Come to our stand L09 hall 14 and attend our MAGic show with gifts and prizes.

Please book a meeting with our staff to get maximum from your time when visiting our stand. Our team will be happy to guide you through our demonstrations, discuss any opportunities and answer all your questions.


IBC 2016: new worldwide technologies in Amsterdam!