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Firmware 0.2.18-r17 update for MAG 250/254/270/275

Published on 24/02/2017

The Infomir Company released a firmware updated for its products - MAG245/250, MAG254/255, MAG270, MAG275.

Please note: when building the image on the basis of this version, it is mandatory to use the new kernel.



Significant improvements have been made to teletext, including fixed problems with language detection, encodings, displaying on the screen and displaying of some symbols.

Added support for HD DVB and PGS subtitles.

Fixed errors of DVB subtitles positioning.

Added "fcc2" solution for fast channel switching with some special streamers.

Added support for EXT-X-BYTERANGE in HLS.

Fixed artifacts when switching the speed on encrypted RTSP streams.

Fixed artifacts after positioning on encrypted RTSP streams.

Fixed the application crash, if when playing HLS some tracks are not detected.

Fixed the application crash, when the wrong font is set for subtitles.

Fixed stop of HLS stream playback immediately after the first chunk downloading error.

Fixed an incorrect definition of aspect ratio when playing some H264 video.

Fixed the long stop of HLS playback.

Fixed TimeShift bug after the launch of TimeShift on dead URLs.

Reduced load on the processor when dealing with network.


For MAG245/250

Fixed delays when playing some HD streams.


For MAG254/255

Fixed STB "hang-up" when turning off some types of TVs connected via HDMI.

Added PiP support.

Added low-power mode support.


For MAG270 and MAG275

Fixed STB "hang-up" when turning off some types of TVs connected via HDMI.

Fixed scan for DVB-C.

Fixed error when installing SymbolRate for DVB-C.

Added support for multiple PlPId on one frequency for DVB-T2.

Added PiP support.

Improved DVB-C.



Added 'ntp' service to be able to restart NTP from JS.

Added the ability to browse NFS shared folders online.

Added support for a new extended JS API.

Added redirection of the virtual keyboard buttons to WebFace window (from internet browser window).

Fixed incorrect handling of some buttons of the external keyboard in internet browser window.

Improved SAMBA support.


Embedded portal

Enabled speed test.

Updated localization.

Fixed setup of force teletext.

Fixed the city change in the weather and the weather display in case of loading delays.

Fixed the order of the items in the main menu.

Fixed URL display in the preview mode, if URL includes a solution.

Fixed playback after exiting standby.

Fixed incorrect message after the update.

Fixed display of messages updates in standalone mode.

Fixed TimeShift flag for auto-updatable channels.

Fixed NFS mount status.

Fixes of coding styles, included strict mode.

Added dual mono icon.

Added the ability to automatically transfer to standby mode.

Added update logs.

Added force update button after an error.

Added the ability to specify the program index in MPTS file.

Removed Google URL from ping list.

Removed games from the main menu.

Removed links to YouTube, Picasa from the main menu.


Other fixes and improvements

Improved Wi-Fi support, including new Wi-Fi adapters support.

For a list of supported Wi-Fi adapters check Documentation.

Fixed the lack of support WEP for Wi-Fi adapters.

Fixed behavior of Chroma Key, TransparentColor and setmode, which, when used incorrectly started doing graphic layer transparent.

Fixed driver settings Wi-Fi adapters.

Fixed a memory leak in the big WebKit (for MAG245 /250).


Fixed NTP bug, when privileged ports are blocked.

If NTP server is not set either manually or via DHCP, then is temporary set as NTP server.


Infomir recommends to update the firmware of your set-top box.