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Updated firmware MAG540/MAG544: get access to previous versions of Ministra TV portals

Published on 18/08/2023

Updated firmware MAG540/MAG544: get access to previous versions of Ministra TV portals 


The fifth generation of MAG set-top boxes offer a combination of power, functionality, and ergonomics. Operators using MAG models that are no longer in production can upgrade their set-top box fleet courtesy of Infomir and continue to use the version of the Ministra TV platform with which they are familiar. Specifically for these operators, we have updated the software of MAG540 and MAG544 so that they are fully compatible with older versions of the portal.


How to use the new option


To activate the “Compatible model” function, follow these instructions:

  • Find the “Settings” item in the menu
  • Go to “System Settings”
  • Choose “Servers”
  • Click on “Portals”
  • Find the required “Compatible Model” from the MAG420, MAG322 and MAG254 models.

Distributors can offer operators the option to use a model with updated firmware. If your customers follow the latest trends, they will not want to miss the chance to upgrade their set-top box fleet, bringing you additional revenue.

Operators now have an opportunity to introduce a new model to their set-top box fleet and offer it to their customers. The updated functionality of the MAG540w3 and MAG544w3 will allow operators to easily utilize their current portals without worrying about having to update them.

End users who own MAG set-top boxes can inform their operator that the MAG544/544w3 is already available in the manufacturer’s official online stores.

Read more about the new device software on Infomir Wiki. You can also contact our support team for more information.