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New cross-platform software Ministra Pro

Published on 28/03/2023

New cross-platform software Ministra Pro


With users opting for various devices to view video content, operators are increasingly having to think about introducing multi-screen solutions. Our team offers the Ministra Pro platform, a solution for professional operators. This software enables you to grab even more opportunities to develop your project.


Operators who have used the Ministra TV Platform before will find it easy to switch to the new software as Infomir has kept the classic UI in Ministra Pro for all platforms and devices should they wish to use it. A new household management feature enables users to connect any gadgets to the service.


The new software lets operators enjoy even more unique features:

New cross-platform software Ministra Pro


For a quick start

New cross-platform software Ministra Pro


Exclusively for operators

Available upon request

Available after approval

No license


Free of charge

For a fee



No customization

Customized UI

Classic UI for Linux

Classic UI for all platforms

Household management


The solution provides feature-rich tools for operators — it lets you manage content, data, tariffs, and infrastructure effortlessly, configure the UI remotely, and ensure a top-quality user experience.


With built-in interactive TV features, users can easily manage their viewing experience and get the most out of IPTV. They’ll have access to linear TV and video-on-demand programs from the operator’s library, while EPG lets them know everything about recently ended shows, current programs, and upcoming content. This means that users don’t need to switch channels and content selection is quicker and simpler. With the Time Shift feature, users can rewind and pause content. Ministra Pro also allows users to watch videos with subtitles and select language tracks, resume watching content after exiting the app, and listen to online radio.


We offer two packages: Professional and Premium. All packages come with professional technical support, free updates, and support for over five platforms.

Learn more