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Infomir and TVbeat join forces to deliver integrated solutions

Published on 22/04/2015

Infomir announced a new partnership with TVbeat, a TV analytics company delivering real-time TV audience measurement solutions. Customers of both companies benefit from this partnership, as they can easily deliver more targeted content covering any business model, anywhere and on any device. 

TVbeat is a next generation TV analytics SaaS platform that bridges the gap between sample based legacy TV measurement and analytics requirements in the digital age. Through partnering with pay-TV platforms, TVbeat collects subscriber interactions live and on a second-by-second basis, across any connected device. This data is then processed, analysed and presented in one intuitive and easy-to-understand web interface.

TVbeat also aggregates viewing data from multiple pay-TV platforms per country, and provides this data as a supplement to the existing trading currencies - to broadcasters, content providers and media buyers alike.  Established in 2013, the company brings together seasoned start-up executives, top-notch developers, big data experts and broadcasting business veterans. TVbeat is partnered with 8 platforms across Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia and is processing over 60 million data events daily.

Raivo Rosts, VP of Business Development for the Baltics and CIS at TVbeat said; “We’re very pleased to have partnered with Infomir to create an integrated offering, simplifying the process and making it easier for customers to understand what is happening on their platform from day one. At TVbeat we believe that drawing insights from big data creates value, and we want to put the power back into the operators hands. Operators want cutting edge products; by partnering with Infomir who specialises in these products, we believe this integrated offering is what they are looking for. People are now watching TV across multiple devices at a time and where it is convenient for them, so our solution really helps operators analyse all this data, and make fact-based decisions. This exciting partnership demonstrates more progress for TVbeat as we expand across Europe.”

Alexander Sazhyienko, Head of Project Management at Infomir said; “In the world of electronic entertainment, there is a clear struggle in trying to grab audience’s attention. The operators are craving substantial data about subscribers' behavior and preferences, as it will help them to increase content quality by directing the resources right to the content preferred by viewers. TVbeat offers a solution responding to modern market needs and allowing our customers to enter a new level of interaction with subscribers. We are eager to assist our partners in the development of high-end products and we are interested in providing user-friendly and high-quality products to operators”.