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March. London. TV Connect’14

Published on 11/04/2014

When one visits a show like London TV Connect it is difficult to imagine that someone once predicted quick and inglorious death to Television with the advent of the Internet and vastly available online content. Having equipped itself with the new technologies and having integrated new in demand services, which offer customers the widest choice of thematic and traditional channels, TV is not only thriving, but developing quite successfully.




London TV Connect’14 is a highly specialized exhibition. The one where visitors come up to a stand quite confidently, not because they have lost their way, and the questions asked are substantial, not the «well-I-have-come-across-your-stand-so-show-me-what-you've-got-here» questions.

More than 200 exhibitors, over 8,000 visitors from 80 countries worldwide brought together in Olympia Exhibition Centre - a former railway station, which is so beloved by modern interior designers. Representatives from the world's leading telecom companies, TV-content creators and distributors, companies providing TV services by analog and digital cable - all this bears little resemblance of industry decay. It looks more like a confirmation message, showing seriousness and ambition. The scope of TV Connect is growing so quickly that in 2015 exhibition organizers are not just moving it further from another popular and specialized one in Barcelona, shifting TV Connect dates to April, but also transferring it into a more spacious premises - ExCel London.

TV Connect London is an important event for any company experiencing a fast growth in a viable market sphere. It is a chance of making new business-contacts and strengthening the existing ones. It is an opportunity to present new solutions and products and to see what is introduced by the others, and to share experiences as well.

Events like that are a must-visit for those who find it important to remain up-to-date in the evolution of modern TV industry. This year London TV Connect received exhibitors like ARRIS, Cisco, Envivio, Ericsson, ZTE, Intel, Huawei, Philips, Panasonic, Beenius, etc., all of which are world's market leaders.

According to Infomir team members, after a more versatile Moscow exhibition with its diversity of sections and departments, which may not have any connection at all, London TV Connect'14 may seem a bit quieter and more intimate, less bustling, but this only benefits the exhibitors.




Ukrainian products are not new to London. A year ago Infomir team introduced its products and solutions at TV Connect’13. And the debut was rather promising. The highest quality of Ukrainian products and cost-effective solutions are the things that has always been and will always be in demand among European operators and providers.

At the exhibition along with the well-known models - the basic MAG250, the improved powerful MAG254/255, the unique Android-based MAG260 - Infomir team also introduced the long-awaited hybrid set-top box, MAG275. The device along with offering basic digital TV-services (IPTV, OTT and VoD) can provide access to services based on DVB-C and DVB-T/T2 standards, which are quite in demand among the Western European operators.




The newest middleware from the world market leader Beenius - BeeSmart - was really popular with the stand visitors. It was demonstrated at the Infomir stand along with the company's own solution - Free Middleware Stalker (Ministra TV).

At the end of 2013 Infomir underwent certification by Beenius, one of worlds biggest manufacturers of professional middleware. Infomir's products are fully compliant with the middleware by Beenius which offers extra opportunities while launching a project of interactive services.

Many people visited the stand after hearing a recommendation from one of Infomir's official partners - Broadcom Corporation (chipset manufacturer).

In conclusion it is necessary to point out that Infomir's specialists are rather satisfied with the results of their trip. They have met their partners, have made prospective business contacts, introduced a new STB model which had been long-awaited in Europe and confirmed their participation in TV Connect’15.

The business year after having had a successful start at CSTB’2014 is going on.