Commercial proposition

Product request

You are looking for a solution:

Select an option, and we will develop the best offer
for you

Your regional manager will answer you

Please select the destination country to continue.

What products are you interested in?

Please select one of the options to continue

Please select the products to continue.

In our response, we want to address you by name

Please fill in the field to continue.

No ads. Our manager will use this email address to contact you

Please fill in the field to continue.

Enter the phone number and the manager will contact you

Please enter your phone number to continue.

Select a business field, and we will develop the best offer for you

Please choose a business field to continue.

Enter your company’s legal name

Please indicate your company name to continue.

Tell us about your project

Please Tell us about your project to continue.

0 / 800

Confirm the details

What products are you interested in?

Select an option, and we will develop the best offer for you

Please select one of the options to continue.

In our response, we want to address you by name

Please fill in the field to continue.

No ads. Our manager will use this email address to contact you

Please fill in the field to continue.

Enter the phone number and the manager will contact you

Please enter your phone number to continue.

Select a business field, and we will develop the best offer for you

Please choose a business field to continue.

Enter your company’s legal name

Please indicate your company name to continue.

Your regional manager will answer you

Please select the destination country to continue.

Tell us about your project

Please tell us about your project to continue.

By clicking on 'Submit', you confirm that you have read, understood, and accept our privacy policy.

Thank you
Your message has been sent.

Our manager will contact you as soon as possible.

  • US North America
  • EU Europe
  • MENA Middle East, Africa and Australia

No ads. We will use this address to contact you

Please fill in the field to continue.

Confirm the details

What products are you interested in?

Select an option, and we will develop the best offer for you

Please select the products to continue.

No ads. Our manager will use this email address to contact you.

Please fill in the field to continue.

We will provide information for your quantity

Please fill in the field to continue.

We will provide information for your region

Please select the country to continue.

By clicking on 'Submit', you confirm that you have read, understood, and accept our privacy policy.

Thank you!
Your message has been sent.

Your request will be processed shortly.

Middleware v 4.9.28

Published on 03/11/2015

Please find the list of updates of Middleware (now Ministra TV platform) version 4.9.28 below:

✔ New ‘VK-video’ app and ‘2048’ game at the App List
✔ ‘Youtube’ app was updated
✔ ‘Registration_url at config’ was enabled - to display registration links at ‘sign in’ window
✔ ‘Log out’ function was enabled when using sign-in
✔ ‘Users table’ was improved
✔ ‘X-max-sessions’ title was added to Flussonic
✔ System settings of Launcher were added
✔ ‘Edit the channel’ field opening error was fixed
✔ EPG error when switching time was fixed
✔ Time-shift crash fixed
✔ API v2 STB authorization fixed
✔ ‘Enable_launcher_in_theme_settings’ option was added to Privacy settings
✔ Old admin panel: date of STB switch-off editing was enabled
✔ Auto fill-in of empty logins for API compatibility
✔ Picture browse from USB devices was fixed
✔ New admin panel: Content type filter was added to the part ‘Users’
✔ New admin panel: date of STB switch-off was fixed
✔ New admin panel: MAG245 and MAG254 events templates were fixed
✔ New admin panel: small fixes of ‘Video’ part
✔ New admin panel: small fixes of ‘Audio’ part
✔ New admin panel: small fixes of ‘Radio’ part
✔ New admin panel: small fixes of ‘Tariffs’ part
✔ New admin panel: small fixes of ‘Users’ part
✔ New admin panel: small fixes of ‘Events’ part
✔ New admin panel: small fixes of ‘Administrators’ part
✔ New admin panel: small fixes of ‘Tasks’ part
✔ New admin panel: small fixes of ‘Info portal’ part
✔ New admin panel: small fixes of ‘Statistics’ part