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Introducing a new version of the Ministra TV platform

Published on 26/02/2018

Introducing a new version of the Ministra TV platform


The Ministra TV platform is an attentive assistant for your media service. In version 5.4, we’ve made changes to a number of the platform’s key components.



Support for Ubuntu

Introducing a new version of the Ministra TV platform


We’ve implemented support and installation for «out-of-the-box» Ubuntu 16.04. In Ubuntu 16.04, the newest version of PHP (v7.0), is available for installation by default. It offers significantly improved performance and new features.


Custom IP zones for broadcast servers


Introducing a new version of the Ministra TV platform


We’ve implemented flexible settings for broadcast zones. Now you can filter installation by country or IP address.We’ve also simplified the broadcast server settings: the maximum number of users can now be set, and broadcast zones can be selected as defaults.


User interface

Classic TV


Introducing a new version of the Ministra TV platform


Comfortable, familiar, classic. We’ve maintained the appearance of the interface that we all loved from earlier versions of the product. In version 5.4, we’ve implemented the Classic interface on a new micro service architecture, and it’s now coupled with unsurpassed speed, allowing you to quickly switch between Ministra and other applications without loss of context. We’ve preserved the look subscribers have come to know and love. The preview mode allows users to simultaneously view content from the channel and check out scheduled TV programs.


Ministra Skin


Introducing a new version of the Ministra TV platform


This user interface theme features Ministra TV’s brand colors. The main colors are a range of yellow tones accompanied by a smooth gradient from purple to dark blue.


Customizing the subscriber interface themes


Introducing a new version of the Ministra TV platform


The appearance of the user interface can be managed on all supported devices — TVs, smartphones, and tablets. Select and customize the background and the logo layout that best suits your needs. In addition, we’ve made hundreds of other small improvements to ensure your experience with our product is as safe and easy as possible. With the Ministra TV platform you can offer your subscribers a unique interactive media service with a contemporary look. For questions about using or presenting the Ministra TV platform product functionality and/or to learn all about our rates for application branding, contact us at