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Infomir introduces new version software Middleware 5.0

Published on 04/04/2016

Infomir introduces new version of free operators’ software Middleware 5.0. This update is not just a regular update, it’s the first step to Middleware’s switch to the completely new level that will happen soon.

Stalker Middleware was initially created in order to help the beginner operators to make their first steps in IPTV business. But over the time Stalker Middleware grew into a product with broad functionality, scalability and high reliability.

This year Stalker Middleware got a lot of new features, including new admin interface design, new up-to-date launcher, application catalogue and many others.

We constantly update and improve Stalker Middleware. No user request is left without attention.

Version 5.0 is a subsequent step in middleware’s development which allows thousands of operators to provide high quality services


Mobile applications

Infomir introduces new version software Middleware 5.0


We have created the apps that allow watching TV channels on mobile devices.
Android version is already available for downloading. The app for iPad and iPhone will be presented soon.



Compatibility with new set-top boxes

Infomir introduces new version software Middleware 5.0


Stalker Middleware 5.0 is compatible with new MAG256 and MAG257 set-top boxes.
All previous STB models are supported as well.



Service Desk integration

Infomir introduces new version software Middleware 5.0


 Now you can create service request for support right from the admin interface.



Admin documentation

Infomir introduces new version software Middleware 5.0


Detailed instructions database was created. These instructions can answer many questions that arise when using Stalker Middleware.



Higher performance stability

Infomir introduces new version software Middleware 5.0


We have done substantial actions on improving Stalker Middleware’s stability and security.

Make a first step to the global Stalker Middleware advance – update up to Stalker Middleware 5.0!