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How to launch corporate media

How to launch corporate media


Companies use blogs, social media, and newsletters to do their best to make clients loyal and boost sales. But, apart from obtrusive advertising, there is another powerful tool that helps win clients — corporate media.


This story is about how Infomir started an industry magazine, and how your company may follow suit. Read on to find out what resources are needed to launch your own media and what is a must for creating helpful content.


What is corporate media?

Corporate media are mass media controlled by your company. They may include a website, a magazine, a podcast, and even a YouTube channel. Your media may be meant either for the company’s members or the whole world.


Internal media are created to support the employer brand, share photos from corporate events, and publish news. They may even be managed by the HR department.


External media are meant for clients, partners, and competitors. They are used to help gain clients’ trust, make them believe that you know how their business works and that you can help them.


The media aims to educate clients and share something important with them; therefore, companies that offer complex products most often launch media.


IT companies create media to attract clients. For example, Netpeak agency has a blog that educates followers while delivering the company’s principles and mission to the target audience. Some of those followers become Netpeak’s clients.


How Infomir started BroadVision magazine

Infomir makes smart TV set-top boxes, street lighting solutions, and resource consumption metering devices as well as develops software.


In 2016, the company had a website, blog, newsletter, and Facebook account. It needed to establish a new communication channel with customers — an electronic magazine. To ensure people were interested in reading the magazine, the creators treated it like a product.


1. Create the target audience’s portrait

Infomir’s key business line is smart TV set-top boxes, so the magazine was created for IPTV specialists: pay television operators, Internet providers, and system administrators. These included owners, technical directors, marketing specialists, technical support employees, and engineers.


Potential readers were the clients, partners, and competitors from 151 countries. That is why English was chosen as the main language of the magazine.


2. Pick topics

The readers wanted to launch their own businesses, to know their followers better, to improve their client service, or to apply new technologies within their projects.


Infomir shares this kind of experience. The authors of the magazine tell what is happening in the market, publish interviews, write about technologies, spell out how to become an Internet television operator, and help meet competition.


3. Never imitate other magazines

Infomir’s project became the first magazine dedicated to Internet television, smart set-top boxes, and local operators’ business. The company focused on expertise and unique content.



When the idea to start a magazine occurred to me, I tried to find a similar magazine in the IPTV industry. There were none. ZTE and Huawei had magazines, but they were boring and multi-sectoral, with long articles. Only a few people read such magazines, and I wanted to catch the attention of many.

We operate in a complex industry, but we decided that BroadVision would tell only things that our readers find interesting with simple language in mind. There were no other magazines like that in the world — we were pioneers.

Igor Oklander, Marketing Director at Infomir


4. Organize a team

Corporate media requires resources. Somebody has to study the market, do interviews, write articles, manage the graphics, and promote the magazine. To this end, you would need authors, editors, experts, designers, and Internet marketing specialists.


Infomir’s marketing specialists began to work on the magazine. The team runs dozens of projects, knows the company’s products, and thoroughly grasps how the clients’ businesses work. This kind of experience enables us to create helpful content.


5. Chose promotion channels

Infomir publishes the magazine on its website. Regular readers receive new issues of our magazine by email.


In exchange for a subscription, many companies offer only white papers, guides, and checklists to their clients. BroadVision readers get the 40-page magazine for free, while every single article helps them develop their businesses.


Printed copies are available to those who visit telecom trade shows in the Netherlands, the UAE, Brazil, and the USA. When a company has an industry magazine, its stand attracts even more guests.


In 2021, BroadVision got a new website. Besides article previews and archive issues, you can find a reader’s profile and read about the magazine’s mission.






It took 4 years for BroadVision to gain 5,000 readers and become the best corporate media outlet in Ukraine

The magazine comes out four times a year. Since starting in January 2017, it has brought 45 expert interviews, articles, analytical reviews, and success stories. Every article contains experience and knowledge of Infomir’s technical specialists, marketing specialists, and managers.


In the autumn of 2019, the Association of Corporate Media of Ukraine acknowledged BroadVision as the country’s best electronic magazine.




Five thousand readers are a solid achievement for a niche B2B magazine. That shows that we created a truly helpful media outlet.

We write about a complex industry in a user-friendly, interesting manner, and that is why both owners and developers follow BroadVision. Over half of the readers are CEOs and CTOs of telecommunication companies, system integrators, and distribution companies.

Huawei, ZTE, Sky Limited, Orange, 1+1, and UA: Pershyi follow us. The interest in BroadVision proves that the IPTV industry needs an outlet like that.

Igor Oklander, Marketing Director at Infomir


Who reads BroadVision

How to launch corporate media


A team and content are a key secret of corporate media

A magazine requires a lot of resources. It’s not only about money. A media outlet can’t be launched without a team, at least one working remotely. A manager and an editor control the workflow, authors do interviews and write articles, while designers create the graphics.


The whole thing won’t work out without experts. High-quality publications can’t be copy-pasted. Your engineers, managers, and marketing specialists will need to share their experience with the authors, as these specialists know the industry and the way the clients’ businesses work.


BroadVision team consists of two staff writers, an editor, a designer, and a project manager. Regardless of how well the authors know the subject, they still need expert assistance. Infomir strives to give its readers the things they will never find elsewhere on the Internet. In-house experts include technical support employees, developers, managers, and partners.

Corporate media needs distribution. Readers need to learn about your magazine. That won’t happen without distribution. You must use your magazine as a fully-fledged inbound marketing tool, so promote it via your website, newsletters, and social media. The more readers you gain, the more clients you will win.


Your magazine should be published regularly. If you are not sure that you will be able to get the magazine ready on schedule, it’d be better not to roll out it. Things like that may happen when you have no team or content ideas. At Infomir, we use frameworks based on a Gantt chart to plan content which makes it easier to release publications on time.


A magazine does not always pay off. Clients’ trust can’t be compared to revenue. Organizing a dedicated team makes a project expensive. It would be better if you entrust your marketing department with managing your magazine.


How to launch your own media

Starting a corporate magazine isn’t that difficult. The main thing to remember is to use resources rationally and attract as many readers as possible.


Think of your magazine in the same way you think of a product — delegate this task to the marketing team. Know your audience first, and only then decide what you should tell it. This approach will make your magazine interesting to people.


Answer these questions and you will understand where you should move forward:

  • Why does my company need corporate media?
  • Who are potential readers?
  • Why will they find the magazine helpful?
  • What kind of team and budget do I need?
  • How often will I be able to publish the magazine?
  • What will help my magazine stand out from the ones that my competitors publish?
  • How can my company distribute the magazine?
  • What kind of result will be considered a success?



Read the new issue where Infomir tells how Internet television will change after the pandemic, what virtual assistants can do, how video compression works, and why Netflix won’t conquer the world. Subscription to BroadVision will always be free of charge.


Proceed to read BroadVision


How to launch corporate media

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