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Infomir acquires HP Jet Fusion 5210 Commercial 3D Printing Line

Published on 23/01/2020

Infomir acquires HP Jet Fusion 5210 Commercial 3D Printing Line


Ukraine became the first Eastern European country to have such equipment. The company has started to print cases for smart devices and is going to offer printing facilities to start-ups and medium-sized businesses.

Device component parts or cases are usually cast out of plastic using molds. It takes up to four months and costs tens of thousands of dollars to produce them. 3D printing reduces the time required to produce parts or functional prototypes to a matter of days.


HP Jet Fusion 5210 prints with a resolution of 1200x1200 DPI and a minimum layer thickness of 80 microns, which is why the quality of the printed parts is almost as good as that of cast ones. The entire object, layer after layer, is fused from polymer powder with the help of the binding material and a heat source. All that remains in the working chamber after the printing cycle is reused — it has almost zero-waste production. For printing, Infomir uses proprietary polyamide (Nylon) based HP thermoplastic. The material is durable, UV and chemical resistant. Even thin-walled Nylon printing allows the production of durable products.


Infomir acquires HP Jet Fusion 5210 Commercial 3D Printing Line

Denys Popov, Remote Data Manager of Infomir:

Many products do not require perfect cases. In such instances, 3D-printing dramatically reduces the product manufacture time: a 3D model turns into a finished part within a few hours. There is a good chance that in 5–10 years this additive manufacturing method will outcompete the traditional one, and conventional casting, along with molds will become a thing of the past.»


The unique 3D printing line will help Infomir produce cases for motion sensors and smart overlays for metering devices. The company is willing to help domestic manufacturers save months and tens of thousands of dollars. 3D printing will not have to be ordered abroad any longer—finally, our country has been among those having the best equipment for creating prototypes, testing product design and launching small-scale production.